Important information for trainees, parents and carers on the provision of services within our social enterprises and youth service.
Dear All
Update on Social Enterprise and Youth Service Provision: Stepping Stones NI
I hope you are all keeping well at this time. In line with recent government and public health guidance I would like to advise that Stepping Stones NI will continue with remote engagement and learning until 5th March 2021. We will continue to offer online training, activities and check in sessions with you and will keep you up to date with any changes in line with NI Executive briefings. I know that is will be disappointing for you and can assure you that this is under continuous review.
At this time I would be interested in any feedback or comments that you would have in relation to our service delivery during lockdown and for future delivery:
- Have we provided enough activity and training throughout lockdown?
- What can we offer to improve and help you and our trainees and clients over the coming months as COVID-19 restrictions remain in place?
- Are there any different services and activities that Stepping Stones NI could develop as new projects of interest for you?
These are just a few questions for you to consider and would be very grateful and would encourage you to get back in touch with me via email as your feedback is very important and valuable to Stepping Stones NI at his time.
In this ever changing environment we are working hard to stay connected, offer remote learning and to keep all of our trainees engaged. As always, you will understand our priority is to keep our clients, staff, volunteers and customers safe.
I look forward to your comments and feedback by return email in the coming days to ensure that Stepping Stones NI is doing its very best during this pandemic. Stay safe and well.
Best regards
Paula Jennings
Chief Officer
Stepping Stones NI